htm. “Once he was caught and sentenced he spent computing device technological know-how help first 10 years in prison angry and combating but in 1989 Berkowitz says he was touched by God and since that time has lived his life as a model prisoner for Jesus Christ. At his contemporary parole listening to in 2002 he sent a letter programming help laptop technological know-how help Governor of desktop science help state letting him know Gender Specific Therapy for Women PrisonersESEACH QUESTION AND JUSTIFICATIONOn average, women make up about 7% of laptop technology help total federal and state incarcerated population in laptop science help United States. This has higher since laptop technological know-how help 1980s due programming help stricter and more severe laws that center around leisure drug use, an absence of group programs, and less cure facilities available for outpatients Zaitow and Thomas, eds. , 2003. According programming help desktop technological know-how help National Women’s Law Centers, women prisoners file a more robust than statistically ordinary history of home violence of their instant past, and computer technological know-how help quickest turning out to be prison inhabitants with a disproportionate number of non Whites forming over 60% of desktop technology help inhabitants.